The three collision rule is the first collision, second collision and the third collision.
The First Collision: Vehicular Collision
The first collision is when a vehicle collides with another object.
This is could range from a tree to a gate, and another vehicle.
When asking questions about how the accident occurred to make sure to apply points from Newton’s Second Law (that the greater the mass of the object being accelerated, the greater the amount of force needed to accelerate the object).
The force increases as the vehicle weight rises, but speed has a huge effect on the crashes force.
Three clues give away how fast the vehicle was going when it hit impact.
The first one is the posted speed limit in that area.
Second, skid marks or other indications of attempts to slow the vehicle down before the accident.
Lastly, how the vehicle looked after the car accident.
Modern cars are designed to crush easily to absorb most of the kinetic energy before it reaches the individual inside.
Property damage is always a major factor when insurance companies value a claim. It tells a major part of the story when evaluating how injured the persons inside the vehicle are.
But other factors are at play as well, such as make and model of the vehicle, and whether the impacted vehicle has a trailer hitch, which can potentially increase the injury to the individual inside.
Some car accident lawyers have had clients needing shoulder surgery due to a rear-end collision on their vehicle with a trailer hitch.
It can pin-point the force and intensify it for the person inside.
You will need an experienced attorney to advocate for you in these instances against the insurance company.
The Second Collision Rule: Human Collision
The second collision happens when the occupants inside the vehicle move in the same direction and the same speed as the car until they come into contact that stops the forward motion.
This raises the importance of a seatbelt.
Without the seat belt, an individual will not stop until they meet another object like a steering wheel or window.
It is also important to know where the individual was sitting in the car and what objects were surrounding this person at the time of impact.
Daily household items can severely injure an individual during an accident.
Imagine coming home from the grocery store and you get into an accident.
Imagine if one of the grocery items was a small jar of pickles and it strikes you or a family member.
That afternoon snack can become deadly during any vehicular accident.
Car accident law offices can assist clients to obtain reimbursement for property damage to items inside of the vehicle during a collision.
The Third Collision Rule: Internal Collision
The third collision occurs when individuals’ internal organs move towards the point of impact.
In an accident, even after the human body stops the organs may still be moving.
Unlike the other two rules, injuries in car accidents are not predictable.
Someone involved in an auto accident can come across uninjured, but he or she might have sustained internal injuries.
Accidents that are involved in high deceleration forces can cause one’s solid organs to bleed, rupture, fracture, and tear.