Is Apple Cider Vinegar helpful for getting rid of the flu?

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asked Feb 5, 2018 in Other- Health by Adf289 (59,990 points)
Is Apple Cider Vinegar helpful for getting rid of the flu?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 7, 2018 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Yes you can get rid of the flu viruses by adding a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink that when you have the flu.

The apple cider vinegar helps to Alkalinize your body. Creating Alkaline in your body will help to kill off any viruses and bacteria that may be residing in your body.

So yes get some apple cider vinegar and add a tablespoon to a glass of water and you should be feeling better and the flu should be gone soon.

The apple cider vinegar might also help to keep the flu viruses away in the first place.

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