What is an Exemplification Essay?

+1 vote
asked Mar 12, 2022 in Education- Reference by SethMorris (130 points)

An exemplification article is an argumentative essay in which examples are provided to support a point.
Things to Remember
An exemplification essay begins as a generalization on the topic. Once you have selected a generalization to use, expand it with relevant examples. This will make the paper more cohesive. Organise the examples in a logical manner.
This is a well thought-out generalization. Don't jump to an unresearched generalization. The audience should be able to understand the logic used in the paper.
For more interest, see examples
Use Appropriate Detail
An essay will be much more interesting and engaging if it is filled with the right details.
You could write a paper on how missionaries have influenced and influenced different cultures. It is easier to show specific examples, such as Lottie Mon in Asia, Jim Elliot, or David Livingston, of missionaries who impacted the cultures in which they lived.
Use appropriate examples
You should use examples that relate to the subject matter. Lottie Moon's weight and height are irrelevant if the essay concerns missionaries who have had an impact on the cultures they live in. It would help to highlight the positive impact Lottie made in China.
Use examples to convince
The use of examples can help convince readers that the essay's content is coherent and convincing. It is possible to be more persuasive using a few good, well-developed examples than many pages of general explanation.
You could write an essay explaining that smoking should be prohibited because of the adverse effects that it has on smokers. But instead of explaining the problem from one's own perspective, it would be more productive and effective to use convincing examples that have been researched. We have evidence that young patients suffer from more severe asthma, higher heartbeats and reduced lung capacity. It is important to always cite the source.
Use examples to test the point
Exemplary examples can be used in order to validate the thesis or exemplification essay topics.
Maybe someone plans to write about the benefits of extensive reading, writing, conversation practice, and how they can strengthen international students' grasp of English. For the writer to be able to verify his or her thesis, he or she should search for instances where international students have actually improved their language skills through participation in the suggested activities. Perhaps the student can recall how a friend improved his vocabulary or sentence structure after spending time reading, writing, talking with American friends. The example above reinforces the point, but you should not rely on too many personal examples.


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3 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2022 by AndySteel (800 points)
Exemplification means to provide examples about something.

In this type of essay, examples act as supporting material to explain or clarify a generalization.

The key to a good exemplification essay is to use enough detailed and specific examples to get the point across.

An exemplification essay is an argumentative essay that provides examples to prove a point.

Things to Keep in Mind. • An exemplification essay begins with a generalization about the topic.
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answered Jul 1, 2022 by Grinder (4,380 points)

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