What's a good size brush for acrylic nails?

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asked Mar 9, 2022 in Body/Skin by fadventures (1,050 points)
What's a good size brush for acrylic nails?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 10, 2022 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
A good size brush for acrylic nails is a number 6 or number 8 acrylic brush especially for beginners.

You can use a paint brush for acrylic nails but you should use the thinnest brush as the thinner the brush the better.

Watercolor paint brushes work well for painting acrylic nails.

Watercolor brushes can be used for acrylic nails and the thinner the watercolor brush the better.

When you're just beginning the best number of acrylic brush that is best for beginners is a number 6 or number 8 acrylic brush which is the smaller acrylic brushes then as you get more experience you can move up to the larger sizes.

Nail polish can be used to remove acrylic nails.

Yes nail polish remover will remove acrylic nails easily.

Just pour some nail polish remover into a bowl and then soak your acrylic nails in the nail polish remover for 5 or 10 minutes and they should come off.

If not then you may need to soak your acrylic nails in the nail polish remover a bit longer but the nail polish remover will remove the acrylic nails with ease.

You can also remove acrylic nails with the nail polish remover and some cotton balls.

Soak cotton balls in the nail polish remover and then place the cotton balls on the tips of your fingers and then wrap the cotton balls tightly against the acrylic nails using some strips of aluminum foil.

Then leave the cotton balls with the nail polish remover on your acrylic nails for at least 30 minutes and that should remove the acrylic nails.

Or you can have a salon remove the acrylic nails easier for around $10.00 to $20.00 which isn't too bad of a deal.

To remove the acrylic nails without it hurting you first cut the acrylic nails as short as possible then take some petroleum Jelly and cover the cuticles and skin around it with the petroleum Jelly.

After that takes some acetone based nail polish remover and pull it into a glass bowl or other container that you can place your fingers in.

Soak the fingers with the acrylic nails in the nail polish remover for up to 20 minutes and the acrylic nails should come off easily as the acrylic glue will be dissolved in the nail polish remover.

Once you put on some acrylic nails they should last for 6 to 12 months without needing replaced.

When your acrylic nails need replaced with fresh new ones they will develop air pockets which will be cloudy looking in the acrylics or when the natural nails begin to pull away from the acrylics underside.

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