What causes your heart to race?

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asked Feb 26, 2022 in Other- Health by minehiaoseui (1,050 points)
What causes your heart to race?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 1, 2022 by Goosebumose (1,690 points)
Things that can cause your heart to race include stress, anxiety, panic attacks, exercise, smoking, low blood sugar, low potassium, overactive thyroid, caffeine and even pregnancy.

You should go to the ER if you experience heart racing along with chest pain, dizziness and unusual sweating.

Or if your heart is racing and beating more than 100 beats per minute which is an indicator of tachycardia.

A few cues for you to call 911 and seek medical help right away are if your heart palpitations last a few minutes or longer, if your symptoms are new or get worse, or if they happen alongside other symptoms such as: Pain, pressure, or tightness in your chest.

Aching in your neck, jaw, upper back or arm(s).

When your heart is racing you may sometimes need to go to the ER but not always.

If your heart is racing and does not slow down within 30 minutes or longer then you should go to the ER to get checked out.

However sometimes your heart can race for awhile after exercise, stress, anxiety etc.

Heart Racing is also known as heart palpitations.

Heart palpitations can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease.

Examples include skipped heartbeats, variation with breathing, exercise, stress, smoking, use of marijuana, alcohol, or some medications.

If your heart is racing and does not slow down within 30 minutes or an hour or you have chest pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, arm numbness, face numbness or you feel like you may be having a heart attack then yes go to the ER for the heart racing.

You should be worried about heart palpitations if the heart palpitations are also causing you to experience chest pain, chest tightness, arm numbness, face numbness or chest discomfort or even fainting.

Most cases of heart palpitations are not serious enough to be an emergency.

However if your heart palpitations last longer than a few hours or a day then you should go to a walk in clinic or urgent care.

If you do think you may be having a heart attack then call 911 or get to the emergency room to be safe.

Heart palpitations can be an emergency and require a visit to the emergency room.

If the heart palpitations are accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, chest discomfort and even fainting then the heart palpitations are an emergency and you should call 911 or get to the emergency room.

Some cases of heart palpitations however are nothing to worry about and will sometimes go away on their own.

Heart palpitations can be brought on by panic attacks, anxiety, fear, stress etc.

However if you continue to have heart palpitations you should see a doctor or go to the emergency room for treatment.

Heart palpitations can sometimes lead to a heart attack so always get checked out just in case.

Heart palpitations can sometimes do damage to your heart as well.

In most cases though heart palpitations are nothing to worry about but it's still best to see a doctor about the heart palpitations just to be safe.

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