What does flight of ideas mean?

+1 vote
asked Feb 22, 2022 in Words & Wordplay by Duvalcharles (670 points)
What does flight of ideas mean?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2022 by QJesse44 (8,910 points)
Flight of Ideas means and involves continuous, rapid speech that changes focus from moment to moment based on association, distractions, or plays on words.

A person experiencing flight of ideas, for example, might deliver a 10-minute monologue during which he or she jumps from talking about childhood, to a favorite advertisement, to a moment of distorted body image, to political ideology, concluding with a rant about his or her favorite flower.

Racing thoughts is when your thoughts go through your head very fast.

It can involve them racing so fast that they feel out of control.

Flight of ideas is where your thoughts move very quickly from idea to idea, making links and seeing meaning between things that other people don't.

Flight of ideas is typical of mania.

The scientific study feels like synchronicity, coming so close on the heels of my flight of ideas.

My racing thoughts and flight of ideas had me convinced that I had found a solution to wealth inequality; I stopped attending lectures.

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