Why do you need cotton balls for babies?

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asked Feb 20, 2022 in Baby/Newborn by hardact2follow (1,650 points)
Why do you need cotton balls for babies?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 20, 2022 by Christeenlia (31,860 points)
The reason you need cotton balls for babies is to clean the babies nose and eyes.

You don't have to have cotton balls for babies but they come in handy and are recommended.

Use cotton balls for each of the babies eyes.

This is so that you don't transfer any stickiness or infection from one eye to another.

Wipe gently around each nostril to get rid of mucus.

Do not put anything inside your baby's nostrils (including cotton buds).

Here are the basic steps for cleaning baby eyes, baby ears and baby noses: Get some cotton balls.

Soak one cotton ball in some warm water and squeeze out extra water.

Clean the corners of your baby's eyes, wiping gently from the inside corners to the outside corners

Use the Baby Cotton Wool Balls to clean your little one gently with warm water or to cleanse your newborn's skin every day.

Versatile and strong, the cotton wool balls are made from 100 percent natural cotton fibers for safe and gentle use on delicate skin.
commented Feb 22, 2022 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
My mother used cornstarch on me when I was younger instead of talcum power and she would apply it with one or more cotton balls instead of sprinkling it on.

I don’t know if it is actually a good idea to do this, though. I ended up being a bit of a late trainer (to put it mildly) despite my toilet training beginning at about 18 to 24 months. According to my mother, I enjoyed diaper changes more than most babies, toddlers, and even pre-schoolers. I was eventually daytime trained enough to attend kindergarten at age six. I don’t know if my late training was partly a result of the cotton balls or whether it was mostly (if not entirely) the result of developmental delays as a result of complications of a premature birth, but either way it’s something to think about when considering how to use cotton balls (as well as how often and for what purposes).

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