How high should a 6 year old count?

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asked Feb 17, 2022 in Grade Schooler by Skycat1988 (690 points)
How high should a 6 year old count?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 17, 2022 by Supnitro (1,430 points)
A 6 year old should be able to count to as high as 200.

Although some 6 year olds may only be able to count to 180 or so because all kids are different.

Children aged six may be able to count by 10s to 100, 10, 20, 30 etc.

They are able to use comparative language such as 'greater than', 'less than' to describe groups of objects.

A 6 year old should go to bed around 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM on school nights if they have to be up by 6:00 AM.

On weekends when they can sleep in then they should be in bed at least by 10:00 PM.

A 6 year old needs at least 10 to 12 hours of sleep at night to be alert and healthy.

So the 6 year old needs to go to bed at a time where they can get enough sleep for the night before they have to wake up in the morning.

My 6 year old son has to be up by 6:00 AM to get ready and take a bath, get changed, have some breakfast and be out to catch the school bus by 7:00 AM.

His school bus gets here by 7:00 AM so he has to be ready before 7:00 so he has enough time to be ready to go outside to get onto the school bus.

So my 6 year old son goes to bed by 8:00 PM which gives him 10 hours of sleep which is enough for him.

As gets get older they tend to need less sleep but still most kids should average at least 10 hours of sleep at night to be alert and healthy the next day.

Or the kid may fall asleep and not pay attention in class.
commented Feb 20, 2022 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
At that age I was only able to count up to 100 myself. I was in kindergarten for most of age six. I was almost seven when I started first grade.

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