Is wearing underwear bad for you?

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asked Feb 13, 2022 in Other- Health by Bottelman (2,110 points)
Is wearing underwear bad for you?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 13, 2022 by Coadybuff (2,510 points)
Wearing underwear is not bad for you as long as the underwear is changed often and you wear proper fitting underwear.

However some people prefer to not wear underwear which is myself included.

I find underwear to be bothersome and I get rashes during hot weather when I sweat more and it's also just one more thing I have to pull down to go to the toilet.

I hate underwear and stopped wearing them when I was a kid.

I never saw the importance or point of wearing underwear but some people do.

Wearing tight underwear or undies that aren't made of a breathable material, such as cotton, can retain moisture in your genital area and make it easier for yeast bacteria to grow.

There's no research on whether going without underwear reduces year infection.

If you wear underwear you should aim to change your underwear every day, even more than once if you want!

It seems like that most people typically wear one pair of underwear a day and then put it in the laundry to be washed.

That may not always be necessary.

On the other end of the spectrum, you shouldn't feel restricted to just one pair per day.

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