Can I work part time after I retire at age 66?

+1 vote
asked Jan 26, 2018 in Employment & Careers by Clray231 (360 points)
Can I work part time after I retire at age 66?

I'm only 30 years old so I have 36 years until I retire at age 66 but I'm wondering if I still would be able to work part time such as on my online business after retirement and still collect my social security retirement benefits at age 66?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2018 by Adf289 (59,990 points)
Actually I believe that the retirement age has changed for the younger generation and you're only 30 years old now then full retirement age isn't until age 69 so you'd have 39 years left until full retirement age where you can work and earn as much as you want and still collect your full social security benefits.

If you're under retirement age which 66 years old would be for your age then if you work even part time your social security retirement benefits will be reduced depending on how much you earn each month.

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