Do you need a license to sell scrap metal?

+1 vote
asked Jan 24, 2018 in Law & Legal by streetmech (300 points)
Do you need a license to sell scrap metal?

I go out and pickup scrap metal to resell to the scrap yard for some extra income do I need a license to sell the scrap metal?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2018 by Essmann (42,860 points)
If you were running a scrap yard where you buy and sell scrap metal or dismantle cars etc and buy scrap metal from the public then yes you'd need a salvage dealers license and likely a dismantlers license to deal in scrap metal.

But if you're just picking up scrap metal and then breaking it down and taking it into a scrap yard for some extra income then no you don't need a scrap metal license to sell to another scrap yard.

Many people find and haul scrap metal and sell it to a scrap yard without having a scrap metal dealers license without a problem.

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