Is it against the law to burn scrap copper wire?

+1 vote
asked Jan 24, 2018 in Do it yourself by neurons898 (240 points)
Is it against the law to burn scrap copper wire?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2018 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Burning the insulation off copper wire is illegal in most if not all states and can get you a hefty fine that will cost you more than what you make off the burnt copper.

Another thing to consider is that most scrap yards now will require you to have a plumbers or electricians license or proof that the wire came from a burnt structure in order for the scrap yard to buy it.

And in some places scraps yards will refuse to purchase any burnt scrap copper wire so it's best to either get a wire stripper and strip the insulation off the wire or sell the scrap copper wire as is with the insulation.

If you have enough copper wire to strip then it can be worth it to buy a copper wire stripper which you can buy through Amazon and it will make quick work of stripping the scrap copper wire for selling to the scrap yard.

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