What will happen if you do not cut your nails regularly?

+1 vote
asked Feb 4, 2022 in Body/Skin by 30QuoVadis (1,370 points)
What will happen if you do not cut your nails regularly?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 4, 2022 by Wjendyfromhol (5,390 points)
If you do not cut your nails regularly they can grow too long and easily get damaged and broken and you may actually rip or tear a nail off during injury.

Because of their length, longer fingernails can harbor more dirt and bacteria than short nails, thus potentially contributing to the spread of infection.

To help prevent the spread of germs and nail infections: Keep nails short and trim them often.

A nail whether fingernail or toenail will grow back if removed or ripped off etc due to injury.

Nails such as fingernails and toenails do have the ability to grow back but it will take a few months to even 6 months or so before the fingernail or toenail grows back fully.

Fingernails can regrow entirely in three to six months.

Fingers or toes that have sustained injuries that affect the nail bed and the matrix grow more slowly than unaffected nails for about three months.

After a nail separates from the nail bed for whatever reason, it will not reattach.

A new nail will have to grow back in its place.

Nails grow back slowly.

It takes about 6 months for a fingernail and up to 18 months for a toenail to grow back.

If you rip a nail off you should do the following.

Cover the nail with tape or an adhesive bandage until the nail has grown out enough to protect the finger or toe.
If you trim off the detached nail, you will have less worry about the nail catching and tearing.

What are the stages of nail regrowth?

Nails grow from underneath your skin at the matrix, which is the root of your nail.

New cells form in the matrix.

And as these new cells grow, older cells move up and push through your skin.

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