What can I do to lower my electric bill?

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asked Jan 23, 2018 in Other-Finance by meinie (280 points)
What can I do to lower my electric bill?

My electric bill comes out to $150.00 per month and I'm having a hard time paying the high electric bill each month.

What are some things I can do to lower my electric bill so I can afford it?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 24, 2018 by Judy (56,120 points)
You can lower your electric bill by shutting off lights when you don't use them, only doing a full load of laundry and avoid use of your clothes dryer if it's electric.

Hair dryers also use a good amount of electricity some as high as 1800 watts which is a lot of power so avoid using the hair dryer as often if you do.

Turn off your computer if you're not gonna use it for awhile like an hour or more. If you have an electric oven only cook things in the oven that need a large oven because ovens use a lot of electricity as well.

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