What happens if strep throat is left untreated?

+1 vote
asked Jan 23, 2018 in Other- Health by meinie (280 points)
What happens if strep throat is left untreated?

If you don't treat your strep throat will the strep throat get more serious or will nothing happen if you don't treat strep throat?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2018 by Minty (139,230 points)
For strep throat there's not much treatment that can be done except a doctor can prescribe you antibiotics which should help treat the strep throat and make it so it's not contagious to anyone.

Best thing you can do for strep throat is just give it time and within 1 week or 2 weeks the strep throat should be gone.

Try using a vaporizer to add moisture to the air and eating ice cream which is a good food to help sooth the strep throat.

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