Can a 12 year old boy wear diapers?

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asked Feb 1, 2022 in Kids Health by Kattwilliams (1,270 points)
Can a 12 year old boy wear diapers?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 1, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,550 points)
A 12 year old boy can wear diapers.

Whether the 12 year old boy needs diapers or wants to wear diapers they should wear diapers.

Lots of 12 year old boys like to or love to wear diapers which is normal.

I loved wearing diapers when I was 12 years old and in fact I loved wearing diapers since I was 5 years old.

I used to sneak my baby brothers diapers and put them on and would pee in them and get excited wearing them.

They were really comfortable to wear.

Even now at almost 34 years old I still wear and enjoy wearing diapers and will wear diapers for fun for the rest of my life.

If you're the 12 year old boy who loves to wear diapers just know it's perfectly fine and normal for you to want to wear diapers and there's nothing wrong with you.

I used to think I was the only kid who loved wearing diapers until I found out on the internet when I was 13 years old.

It made me feel a whole lot better knowing I was not the only kid and person in the world who loved wearing diapers.

I was surprised to find thousands upon thousands of other kids and teens and even adults were out there with the same diaper interest as me.

If you're the parent then also don't worry as your kid is perfectly normal and there's nothing wrong with kids loving to wear diapers or even teens or adults.

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