Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers what would be your dream playroom?

+2 votes
asked Jan 27, 2022 in AB/DL by Wetdiaper565 (1,730 points)
Adult Babies and Diaper Lovers what would be your dream playroom?

For me I've been looking online and I've seen some pictures where people have made playrooms for their kids with an actual large slide inside the playroom.

I want to have a playroom like that with a slide, swing set, ball pit etc.

I would be really happy even with the slide.

I have a slide outside that I play on but I would also love to have a slide inside so like now when it's really cold outside I can still enjoy my slide in my warm house.

What about you?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2022 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
I have a playroom where I have toys, a trampoline I jump on wearing just diapers and A swing in the playroom.

I haven't thought about a slide but that is an awesome idea.

I will have to add a slide to my playroom as soon as I can afford to get one.

It's cold here too and I would love to be on a slide in just a diaper and still be warm so having a slide inside the house would be a great idea.

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