How do I get rid of gas in my stomach?

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asked Jan 28, 2022 in Other- Health by bottleman (1,550 points)
How do I get rid of gas in my stomach?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 1, 2022 by W1ndo0Paine (5,080 points)
To get rid of gas in your stomach try making yourself fart and burp.

Also exercise and walk around as sometime exercising and walking around can help you relieve gas in your stomach.

Eat more slowly and mindfully.
Don't chew gum.
Cut back on gas-producing foods.
Check for food intolerances with an elimination diet.

Avoid soda, beer, and other carbonated beverages.
Try enzyme supplements.
Try probiotics.

Everyone passes gas.

However, some digestive conditions can cause excessive gas production, as can eating certain foods.

The excess gas may not pass easily through the digestive system, resulting in trapped gas.

While trapped gas may cause discomfort, it usually passes on its own after a few hours.

Applying a heating pad, hot water bottle, hot towel, or heat wrap over the abdomen and back helps relax the muscles in the abdomen and relieve abdominal cramps and pain.

The temperature should ideally be 104° Fahrenheit.

Taking a hot bath with bubbles and essential oils or hot showers can also help.

Laying on your stomach can sometimes help relieve gas buildup in your stomach depending on how much gas buildup is trapped in your stomach.

Sometimes laying on my stomach when I have gas buildup helps to get rid of the trapped gas in my stomach and other times it doesn't.

If I have just a little bit of gas buildup in my stomach then laying on my stomach for an hour or so usually gets rid of the gas trapped in my stomach and then fart it out and I feel better.

Other times I have to lay on my side to get rid of the gas buildup.

So if laying on your stomach doesn't work to get rid of the gas buildup then try laying on your side.

Laying on either side usually works most times for getting rid of trapped gas in your stomach.

On a bed, sofa, or the floor, lay on your side and gently draw both of your knees toward your chest and within a few minutes or so the gas should escape.

If you don't get relief from the gas buildup in your stomach after several minutes, try slowly moving your legs down and up a few times.

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