How many dollars is in 10000 pennies?

0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2022 in Mathematics by catctus (420 points)
How many dollars is in 10000 pennies?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2022 by Varticusfarticus (3,530 points)
100 dollars or $100.00 is 10000 pennies.

There are 100 dollars in 10,000 pennies.

In every 10000 pennies there are 100 dollars or $100.00

There are 100 pennies in every dollar.

So for example if we take 100 pennies which equal a dollar and we multiply that 100 dollars by 100 for the 100 dollars then we get 10,000

So that means there are 10,000 pennies in 100 dollars.

If you have 20,000 pennies then you have 200 dollars.

If you have 40,000 pennies then you have 400 dollars.

If you have 100,000 pennies then you'd have $1,000.00

If you have 200,000 pennies then you'd have $2,000.00

If you have 300,000 pennies then you have $3,000.00

If you have 400,000 pennies then you have $4,000.00

And so on and so forth.

Just take the 100 pennies which equals a dollar and multiply it to get the answer.

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