The first prosthetic arm was made around the 16th century.
In the 16th century, French military surgeon Ambroise Paré drew the first detailed design of a spring-loaded prosthetic hand, nicknamed 'Le Petit Lorrain' after the craftsman who fashioned it.
Paré also drew a prosthetic arm for an above-elbow amputation.
A famous and quite refined historical prosthetic arm was that of Götz von Berlichingen, made at the beginning of the 16th century.
The first confirmed use of a prosthetic device, however, is from 950 to 710 BC.
Prosthetics are covered by health insurance as well as Medicare and the Affordable Care act as well.
If you have private health insurance the prosthetic should be covered under that as well.
Prosthetics are so expensive because they are a medical device and also because they are custom made and time consuming to make.
You can wear a prosthetic leg for around 2 hours at a time per day before you should remove it for 30 minutes or so.
However you can wear a prosthetic leg all hours of the day if you want too but it's not recommended.
Medicare will pay for and cover the cost of a prosthetic leg.
Medicare part B will also cover the cost of the surgery needed as well.
The cost of a prosthetic leg ranges from $5,000.00 to as much as $50,000.00
However prosthetic legs are not built to last forever and even the most expensive prosthetic limbs are built to withstand only three to five years of wear and tear, meaning they will need to be replaced over the course of a lifetime, and they're not a one-time cost.
The average cost for a robotic prosthetic arm is between $20,000.00 to as much as $100,000.00
A functional prosthetic arm can cost anywhere from $8,000.00 to 10,000.00, and an advanced myoelectric arm can cost anywhere from $25,000.00 to $100,000.00 or more.
A myoelectric arm is the costliest because it looks more real and functions based on muscle movements.
The average cost of a below the knee prosthetic is $3,000.00 although it can be as high as $10,000.00
For just a basic, below-the-knee prosthetic, the average cost is around $3,000.00 to $10,000.00
A more flexible, below-the-knee prosthetic costs a little bit more, while one with special hydraulic and mechanical assistance ranges between $20,000.00 and $40,000.00
The computerized leg is the priciest option.
You can run with prosthetic legs once you get used to them.
Some people do eventually learn to easily run with prosthetic legs but takes lots of practice and patience to get to the point of being able to run good with prosthetic legs.
It's hard to walk with a prosthetic leg especially at first.
However some people who get a prosthetic leg eventually learn to walk with ease although some people with prosthetic legs may still have difficulty walking with their prosthetic leg and require crutches a cane etc.
You can drive with a prosthetic right foot.
Some people who have prosthetic legs or feet may need vehicle modifications while for others driving a vehicle with a prosthetic leg or foot doesn't require vehicle modifications.
You can wear a prosthetic leg all day however it's not recommended to do so.
You'll want to remove the prosthetic leg at least every 2 hours and give your regular leg a break for 30 minutes to an hour.
Although if you need the prosthetic leg on to work etc then it's okay to wear the prosthetic leg as long as you can do so without pain.
A prosthetic leg should not be worn all day or permanently without removing it at least every 2 hours or so to give your leg time to rest or it can get painful.
In the beginning you may only want to wear the prosthetic leg for around 2 hours maximum until you get used to it.
You should remove the prosthetic leg after 2 hours and examine your leg and make sure it's okay.
Then after you get used to wearing the prosthetic leg you might be able to wear the prosthetic leg longer but if possible it's best to remove the prosthetic leg after 3 hours max.
Whenever you sit down or are sleeping it's best to remove the prosthetic leg to allow your amputated leg part to have a break from it.
Also sleeping with the prosthetic leg is likely not comfortable anyway.
If you've never wore a prosthetic leg before wearing the prosthetic leg at first can hurt.
It can take awhile to get used to wearing the prosthetic leg in the beginning so it's normal for it to hurt at first for awhile until you get used to wearing and walking with the prosthetic leg.
The actual time it takes for you to get used to wearing and walking on the prosthetic leg can vary but some people take between 2 to 6 months and as long as a year to fully get used to wearing and walking on the prosthetic leg.
You usually won't be wearing a prosthetic leg for at least a month or so after the amputation because your leg needs to heal from the surgery.
But people do eventually get used to wearing the prosthetic leg and you take it off when you don't need to wear it.