What does Peach mean sexually?

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asked Jan 22, 2022 in Words & Wordplay by Dorinda (840 points)
What does Peach mean sexually?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 22, 2022 by Saralevi (1,670 points)
Peach sexually means a butt in text and online communication.

The peach resembles a butt so the peach emoji means a butt sexually.

Sexually the peach represents booty, bottoms, butts, or whatever you call those two cheeks behind you.

Here's the real peach emoji meaning: the peach represents booty, bottoms, butts, or whatever you call those two cheeks behind you.

 It's the great unifier of sexting.

Everyone has a peach.

The peach emoji depicts a round, fleshy, orange peach.

It is mainly used to represent a butt in digital communication, and so is more commonly called the butt emoji.

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