How much weight can you lose on a 1500 calorie diet?

+1 vote
asked Jan 16, 2018 in Other- Health by clockegg (250 points)
How much weight can you lose on a 1500 calorie diet?

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2018 by T67865 (1,000 points)
Eating a 1,500 daily calorie diet you should easily lose up to 2 pounds per week.

You should also get out and walk or run for exercise to help you keep your heart healthy and to help lose the weight even faster.
0 votes
answered Apr 30, 2020 by kesteer (4,670 points)

To lose weight, I think you should eat healthy and exercise regularly. Also, you may try some Weight loss medication, for example. I guess you will like some of them for you, and you will find them very helpful, good luck!

0 votes
answered Mar 30, 2022 by Coffeemomma (41,700 points)
Some ways to lose weight fast include.

Eat a high protein breakfast.
Limit sugary drinks and fruit juice.
Stay hydrated.
Choose weight-loss-friendly foods.
Eat more fiber.
Drink coffee or tea.
Base your diet on whole foods.
Eat slowly.
0 votes
answered Aug 26, 2022 by walkingmore (15,870 points)
2 pounds of weight per week is a healthy amount of weight you can lose on a 1500 calorie diet.

Losing too much weight in too short of time can be unhealthy so you want to take your time with losing weight to stay healthy and to keep the weight off as well.
0 votes
answered Mar 10, 2024 by DelliMall (580 points)

You need to play sports, walk more, and then you won’t have any problems. I'm sure you'll want to try methenolone enanthate for sale. Steroids helped me lose weight, and I was also able to build up muscles, which is cool. Try it yourself!

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