Lawn Mower Blade Bolt is stuck

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asked Jul 31, 2016 in Maintenance/Repairs by Joe22 (160 points)
Hello. For the last few days I've been trying to change the blade on my push lawn mower.

I can't seem to get the bolt that holds the blade to come lose. I've put wd 40 on it and soaked it overnight, pounded on a wrench with a hammer and nothing.

Even my impact gun won't break it lose. Anything else that might get the bolt to come lose?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 31, 2016 by Randy (220 points)
I had that problem before too. If you haven't tried it yet, I recommend getting some PB Blaster and soaking that sucker. It might break free within minutes and then again it might take an overnight soak.

But I swear by that stuff. Well worth the money.

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