Have you diaper punished your son before

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asked Jan 11, 2022 in Grade Schooler by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Who has diapered punished their school-aged son before?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 11, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,550 points)

As a kid I was diaper punished.

I was born in 1988 and now almost 34 years old.

I was forced into diapers at the age of 7 for bed wetting.

My parents made me wear diapers all the time both day and night and I could not use the toilet.

My parents made me wear those thick Pampers plastic backed diapers which at first I hated but after awhile I began to like it and enjoy it.

My parents also use to take me outside in just my diaper and shirt and shoes like this boy.

I miss those old pampers diapers that were nice and thick and very squishy.

I loved the tape sounds of them as well. 

After a year of being in diapers full time which is when I turned 8 in 1996 I began enjoying the diaper punishment and I actually started being happier in my diapers.

Even now as an adult I'm very happy when in diapers.

Diaper Boy Tommy older kid outside in diapersDiaper Boy Tommy pacifier diapers

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