If A person is unable to pay Hospital bills will they refuse treatment?

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asked Dec 23, 2016 in Other- Health by Clark (180 points)
If someone is behind on there hospital bills and gets sick and in a worse case has a heart attack will the hospital refuse treatment to the patient because of behind bills?

5 Answers

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answered Dec 23, 2016 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)

Hospitals are forced to treat injuries. If it were a private hospital, they'd only be forced to triage the injury so they could be released to a public hospital. If it were public, they'd get treated till the doctor released them.

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2022 by Capobianco (12,490 points)
Hospitals are legally required to treat patients who have life or death or severe health issues that need treated.

Hospitals cannot legally turn someone away for treatment when they have unpaid medical bills.

If you have an unpaid hospital bill and you have a medical emergency you will still be treated by the hospital no matter what.
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answered Feb 23, 2023 by Grinder (4,380 points)

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answered Dec 20, 2023 by anonymous

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answered Mar 11, 2024 by mirafine (4,820 points)

Hospitals are required to provide emergency treatment regardless of a patient's ability to pay, thanks to laws like EMTALA. So, even if someone has unpaid bills, in a life-threatening situation like a heart attack, they must be treated. After reading on northshoreconnect, I learned that there are often assistance programs available for people struggling with medical bills. It's always a good idea to communicate openly with hospital billing departments to find out what options might be there to help manage the costs.

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