Why did I suddenly get Fordyce spots?

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asked Jan 2, 2022 in Body/Skin by 24dpj (620 points)
Why did I suddenly get Fordyce spots?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2, 2022 by Itidemyshoe (580 points)
Fordyce spots can appear suddenly due to clogged pores in the skin or friction of the skin, humidity or even heat.

Fordyce Spots are not bad and they are harmless although they can be unappealing.

However Fordyce spots are not infectious or harmful and they are not an STD.

In time Fordyce spots do eventually go away on their own even without any treatment and they are completely harmless.

Fordyce spots are not an STD and they actually are harmless.

Fordyce spots are basically just enlarged oil glands and they are not infectious or contagious.

The Fordyce spots, also called Fordyce granules, are basically just small pimple-like structures that commonly form on the body.

They fordyce spots are seen most often on male genitalia, especially around the shaft and testicles, but can also be found on the lips and inner mouth.

They're also present in female genitalia, especially around the labia.

Fordyce spots generally fade in time without treatment.

The important thing is to realize they're normal.

They aren't a disease and the majority of people have them.

The fordyce spots are entirely normal, are not contagious, and are not related to any cancers.

Fordyce spots are neither itchy nor painful.

Popping or squeezing the bumps will not cause them to go away and will only irritate them.

Some ways to get rid of fordyce spots include.

Carbon dioxide laser. Your doctor might suggest removing the spots with a carbon dioxide laser.
Retinoid medication. Isotretinoin pills are sometimes helpful, especially when combined with laser treatment.
Topical creams.
Photodynamic therapy.
Micro-punch technique.

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