Can you be a good Christian and like diapers

+1 vote
asked Jan 2, 2022 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Yesterday my aunt called me about my website and she pretty much went off on me on how I can't be a Chrisitan and write about diapers. I was so depressed and the fact it happened on New Year's day made it even more frustrating because I wanted to go into this year with a positive attitude but now I'm torn because I want casediapers to do well but I also want to glorify God to. Do you think you can be a born-again Christian and like diapers?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2022 by diapermouse1 (8,330 points)
Sorry to hear that happened to you.

Yes you can still be a good Christian and like diapers.

If God truly loves us all then he will love us no matter what and enjoying diapers is not a bad thing.

We all wore diapers as babies and toddlers until we were potty trained and even some older teens, kids and adults need to wear diapers.

And some of us just happen to enjoy wearing diapers and if we had to wear diapers it's a good thing that we would actually not be depressed about wearing diapers and instead enjoy it.

If your aunt truly loves you then she should also love you for who you are and that should include diapers and all.

There's worse thing that we could be into than diapers.

Some people do have a problem with people liking diapers but not everyone agrees with what others do.
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2022 by XincaiMao (710 points)
You certainly can be a good Christian and still like diapers.

Liking diapers and being into diapers or even being an adult diaper etc does not make you less of a Christian.

God is supposed to love us for everything we do and if he can't like you for liking diapers than God isn't a true lover of us.

Someone who truly loves you should love you for all of you including the diapers.

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