Betty White has passed away at 99 years old and 11 months

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asked Jan 1, 2022 in Celebrities by getoffmychest (1,010 points)
Betty White has passed away at 99 years old and 11 months.

Although I knew this day was coming eventually Betty White has passed away on New Years Eve December 31st 2021 just 17 days before her 100th birthday.

I was really hoping she would make it to 100 years old but sadly she did not.

Rest In Peace Betty White you'll always live on in many of our hearts.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 1, 2022 by Wendell (42,480 points)
I love and loved Betty White.

I was really looking forward to her turning 100 years old and I for sure thought she was gonna reach 100 years old.

But sadly she didn't.

She did almost make it though.

Just 17 days away from her 100th birthday and she seemed so healthy up until them.

Hope her death was peaceful.

May you Rest In Peace Betty White.

You made this world a better place.

Betty White may be dead but she will live on in our hearts and for many generations as well.

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