How much can you get for scrap appliances?

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asked Jan 1, 2022 in Other-Home/Garden by Glory1958 (990 points)
How much can you get for scrap appliances?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 1, 2022 by Ifallasleepatwork (14,780 points)
Scrap appliances can get you from $100.00 to $200.00 per ton.

However scrap metal prices can change constantly so one month you may get $100.00 to $200.00 per ton while other months and parts of the year you may get $50.00 to $80.00 per ton.

To know for sure you should call your local scrap metal yard to get a correct and current price for the scrap appliances or scrap tin.

You can scrap old ovens as well as other appliances but to make it worthwhile you need a lot of of appliances or other scrap metal to add with it.

Old ovens, stoves and appliances can be scrapped.

Scrap yards will buy old ovens, old stoves and other old appliances but they buy the appliances by the tonnages or lbs.

So you need a good load of the appliances and old ovens for the trip to the scrap yard to be worth it.

If you have more than one old oven or more than one appliance or even have some other scrap tin to go along with the old oven or other appliances then it can be worth it.

Scrap metal such as scrap appliances and other tin is going for around $150.00 to $200.00 per ton depending on your location and what your current scrap yard is paying for scrap metal.

Some places require the refrigerant to be removed from refrigerators while some scrap yards take them as is.

For scrap ovens and scrap stoves and other scrap appliances they can be sold as is.

If you take one scrap oven to the scrap yard then it won't pay likely even $1.00 but if you have more than a few appliances then you can get a good payout.

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