Does tea help you not get sick?

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asked Dec 24, 2021 in Other- Health by Jilipsouza (860 points)
Does tea help you not get sick?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 24, 2021 by Gracy (132,100 points)
Tea can help you not get sick when you drink enough of the tea as tea has antibacterial properties and tea is also an antioxidant and drinking tea also boosts your bodies immune system.

Your bodies immune system needs to work properly to fight off the flu and cold virus as well as other viruses in your body and tea can do that.

Chamomile Tea makes you sleepy because Chamomile Tea has calming effects to it.

People drink chamomile tea to treat insomnia because of its calming effects.

Researchers believe that its effect on sleep comes from its flavonoid content.

Apigenin is a flavonoid that binds to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain, which has a sedative effect.

Chamomile tea can help with the flu as it has antibacterial properties and it also boosts your bodies immune system.

The tea you should drink when sick is Green Tea.

Other good teas you should drink when you're sick include peppermint teas, chamomile teas, ginger teas, lemongrass teas, and hibiscus teas.

Drinking green tea daily can help prevent the flu as it helps to boost your immune system and helps your body fight off infections such as the flu virus.

Green tea is known to contain antiviral components that prevent influenza infection.

When you have the flu you should take some cold and flu medicine such as NyQuil cold and flu medicine which can also help you sleep and help you recover from the flu.

Also take some pain medicine such as aspirin to help with the aches and pains with the flu.

Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and about all else you can do is wait it out.

However if you can do so take Tamiflu before the onset of the flu to help you recover faster and it can usually help prevent the flu in the first place.

When you have the flu you should drink clear liquids or things such as water, tea, juice, sports drinks Pedialyte, ginger ale, clear broth etc.

Start with small amounts, like 4 to 8 ounces at a time for adults and 1 ounce or less at a time for children.

Only use clear liquids (clear broth, juice, lemon-lime soda).

If the flu is a 24 hour flu then you can usually get rid of the flu overnight.

However if the flu is the regular flu then it will take 5 to 7 days to get rid of the flu and begin feeling better.

Although some things you can do to help you recover from the flu faster include getting plenty of rest, taking some cold and flu medicine, staying hydrated, use a humidifier in your room and eat some foods such as toast, rice, applesauce or chicken and noodle soup.

Symptoms of the flu can appear quite suddenly and intensely, so it is common to be fine one day and then be out of action the next day with the flu.

The most severe symptoms generally last 2 to 3 days – the start of the flu is when the infection is at its worst, so the symptoms are at their most severe.

You can die by the flu although it's rare.

People often mistake the flu for a bad cold, since flu symptoms mimic a cold.

When you catch the flu, you might experience coughing, sneezing, runny nose, hoarse voice, and a sore throat.

But the flu can progress into conditions like pneumonia, or worsen other chronic issues like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure, which can quickly become life-threatening.

The Flu can directly lead to death when the flu virus triggers severe inflammation in the lungs.

When this happens, it can cause rapid respiratory failure because your lungs can’t transport enough oxygen into the rest of your body.

The flu can also cause your brain, heart, or muscles to become inflamed.

This can lead to sepsis, an emergency condition that can be fatal if not immediately treated.

If you develop a secondary infection while you have the flu, that can also cause your organs to fail.

The bacteria from that infection can get into your bloodstream and cause sepsis, as well.

In rare cases you can die from the flu and if the flu does not get better within 14 days or the flu symptoms are getting worse then go to the hospital or urgent care to get checked out.

Most cases of the flu though are nothing to worry about and go away within 7 to 14 days.

Most cases of the flu resolve on their own without treatment and there's no cure for the flu and nothing the hospital can really do for the flu unless it gets worse.

If you get dehydrated, get really weak, have confusion, have a high fever that won't go down or you think the flu is turning into pneumonia then go to a walk in clinic or the hospital.

In rare cases the flu can get serious enough to kill someone but it's rare that happens.

If the flu gets worse or lasts longer than a few weeks then go to the hospital.

Also you can take Tamiflu to help with the flu symptoms and help you recover from the flu faster.

You are still contagious with the flu virus while on Tamiflu.

Taking the Tamiflu does not make you less contagious but instead Tamiflu works to help fight the flu virus off before it has time to infect your body fully.

For the Tamiflu to fully work you need to take the Tamiflu within 48 hours of the symptoms of the flu or before the symptoms appear or it will not work.

You still will remain contagious with the flu virus until the flu virus has fully left your body.

Also taking Tamiflu for the flu can make you tired.

One of the side effects of taking Tamiflu is fatigue so you can become drowsy and tired when taking Tamiflu so you should avoid driving or operating any machinery when taking Tamiflu.

However the flu itself can make you tired but Tamiflu has been known to make some people tired which is not a bad thing as it helps you rest to recover from the flu virus.

Other side effects of taking Tamiflu are nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, abdominal pain, headaches and nosebleeds.

Tamiflu will work to prevent the flu if you take the Tamiflu 48 hours before the onset of the flu.

If you take the Tamiflu after you get the flu symptoms then the flu symptoms will still linger and you'll still suffer from the flu.

Tamiflu works to get rid of the flu virus before it has time to fully infect you but once you're fully infected with the flu then nothing will work except rest, staying hydrated and then within a week to 14 days the flu should be gone.

You must take Tamiflu 48 hours before the onset of the flu for it to be effective.

Tamiflu is a prescription only flu medicine and does work but it's also costly and sometimes you'll need to pay out of pocket for it.

If you start feeling the symptoms of the flu then see a doctor and get prescribed the Tamiflu and then take the Tamiflu and you should feel better within a few days.

But continue taking the Tamiflu for up to 6 weeks or until the flu has gone away.

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