Question about Macaulay Culkin about his acting career

+2 votes
asked Dec 21, 2021 in AB/DL by paratom (9,090 points)
recategorized Dec 22, 2021 by paratom
Do you think Macaulay Culkin was wearing diapers for Home Alone 1 and 2, The Good Son and Uncle Buck. Im positive he wear diapers diapers but what do you think. WrestleMania 7, he was there with his Mom and Dad with his sister, he look he he was wetting or pooping in his diaper

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Dec 21, 2021 by Adf289 (60,750 points)
I do think Macaulay Culkin was wearing diapers for Home Alone 1 and 2 and the other movies he played in.

A lot of child actors will wear diapers while on the set of movies and shows so they can get through the scenes without needing to stop to go to the bathroom.

Since a child's bladder is smaller and holds less than an adults it's harder for most kids to hold their pee in longer and they are more prone to wetting their pants.

So a lot of child actors will wear diapers on set to allow them to use the diaper and continue with the scene.

Although I would rather not wear diapers myself I would wear them to get through the scenes in movies to make a lot of money like those actors.

Most people would not realize the actor is wearing a diaper.

Some camera crews will wear diapers too and even some of the adult actors.

And especially if the kid is 6 or under they will usually be wearing a diaper even if they are potty trained.
+1 vote
answered Dec 23, 2021 by peemydiaper (790 points)
I think he was wearing diapers on set too.

I know I would've worn diapers on the set of movies or shows.

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