Have you had your diapered exposed at a movie theater

+1 vote
asked Dec 20, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Who had their diaper exposed at the movies before?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2021 by diaperwet (670 points)
Whenever I go to movie theaters I always wear a diaper so I don't have to use the toilet and can sit through the entire movie.

I've had an Abuniverse Little Pawz diaper exposed above my waistband and I was wearing a short shirt that barely reached the waist of my pants.

That way when I would bend over or move around the shirt would come up far enough so that my diaper would be seen.

I have gotten a few smiles from a few girls when they saw my diaper sticking out of my pants.

I love to have my diaper waistband exposed in public and enjoy other seeing me in my diaper.

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