Diarrhea does help cleanse or clean your colon.
In a study it was determined that diarrhea served the useful function of clearing out the digestive tract of the harmful pathogen, which also limited the severity of the infection.
Diarrhea is one of the least pleasant parts of dealing with a stomach bug.
But according to a new Brigham and Women's Hospital study published in Cell Host and Microbe, it's a blessing in disguise: You're essentially pooping out the bacteria that made you sick.
To fully cleanse your colon it takes around 2 days.
You can use some colon cleanse supplements to cleanse your colon which does a great job.
When you do a natural colon cleanse it can take you from 4 to 6 hours to empty your stomach and then another 8 to 10 hours for the food to move through your intestines.
When you do want to fully cleanse your colon it can take as long as 56 hours for the colon cleanse to complete to where your colon is fully cleansed.
You can help naturally detox your colon and cleanse your colon by using some Apple Juice and Lemon Juice.
Just Take ½ cup Apple Juice, add 2 tablespoons Lemon juice and a teaspoon of ginger juice together and mix them with 1/2 cup of water water.
Then drink that mixture once per day to keep your colon cleansed and healthy.
You can also buy some colon cleanse medicine through online or in stores which will do a great job at cleansing your colon.