To get help to pay your electric bill check with your electric company.
Your electric company will know of places in your area to help you pay your electric bill and also the electric utility company can help you set up payment arrangements to pay off your past due electric bill.
If your area has a cold weather rule then it also means that the law prohibits your electricity from being shut off for non payment during the winter.
Still though you need to make payment arrangements with your electric company.
Even if you can send $20.00 to $50.00 on the electric bill through the winter it's better than sending nothing and letting the electric bill get bigger and bigger.
That is what I've had to do in the winter when the bills get too high.
Then I worked with the utility about making payments plus my current usage in the spring to keep the electricity on.
You can also look for help through churches and other charities and look into LIHEAP for assistance in paying your electric bill as well.
The salvation army also has a program to help pay some of the electric bill.
Many utilities offer financial help via shareholder or community funded emergency payment assistance programs.
These will provide cash assistance, credits, or allow the household to enter into a budgeting program.
These solutions can help offset the costs of cooling and heating homes, and they will provide needed help with escalating electricity bills.
There are also numerous other plans and options that will provide assistance if you need it.
As an example, some utility companies offer payment plans to help you manage your energy bills, such as balanced payment plans.
These will charge you a fixed amount each month so you can better budget your electric bill costs.
Countless non-profit agencies and charities offer emergency financial assistance to help a family keep their lights on.
Free government grants can also both help pay your energy bills or the money may be used to pay for conservation measures.
You can also call a number known as 211 which can help you get assistance with paying utility bills.
Many utilities providers offer programs to assist households when they cannot pay their bills on time.
Companies may offer a payment plan or temporary discount on your bill if you can pay some, but not all, of what you owe.
Some companies also work with local non-profits to provide additional financial assistance to qualifying households.
Contact your utility provider, explain your situation, and ask about options to help you pay.
If you are unsure how to contact them, this information is usually included on your monthly bill.