Any more videos Pamperslover

0 votes
asked Dec 16, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Do you have more videos?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 16, 2021 by Wetdiaper565 (1,730 points)
Pamperslover may be without power due to high winds in Kansas.

I believe he said he was from Kansas.

Kansas had some high winds and knocked out power yesterday evening to thousands of peoples homes and businesses and even some fires burned some poles.

So hopefully he can come on soon if his power is not out.

If you're reading this pamperslover hope you're okay and if your powers out I feel for you as that has happened to me before.

I remember my family and I went without power for 2 weeks during an ice storm and it was not fun.

I didn't think about how much I enjoyed electricity until it went off and then finally came back on those 2 weeks later which seemed like years.

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