When should pacifiers be taken away from babies?

+1 vote
asked Jan 1, 2018 in Toddler/Preschooler by Genin998 (330 points)
When should pacifiers be taken away from babies?

Is there a certain age that pacifiers should be taken away from a toddler or baby?

What's the best age to wean a baby from a pacifier?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2018 by Oliphant (6,990 points)
Pacifiers should be taken away from a baby before their first birthday and no later than 2 years old.

If a child uses a pacifier past age 2 then it can damage their incoming teeth and cause speech delay problems.

It's best to take the pacifier away from the child before they're old enough to put up too much of a fight.

Once a baby is 1 year old or older then the pacifier is really no longer needed.

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