Do you get your nephew dress Pamperslover

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asked Dec 15, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Do you help your nephew get dressed sometimes?

3 Answers

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answered Dec 15, 2021 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
When my nephew is over at my house I will get him dressed.

He likes having me diaper him, bathe him and get him dressed.

I wish I had someone to get me dressed like that as well.
0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2023 by Ulrich Kippenberger (2,300 points)

I guess the father deserves to be well-dressed not less than his son. I love Japanese clothes, for example. But most of all I love that cultures cross these days, and though in the U.S. they try to buy oriental clothes, in the Far East they like western hats for men as these head accessories are so very popular in the States! And many people want to be trendy, am I right? Almost all people I know confirmed that.

0 votes
answered Apr 5, 2023 by EricRondo (1,080 points)

I really like wearing diiferent things and I've been looking for a long time for some good online store where I can buy them, because I don't really like to measure and go to the regular malls. This replica clothing helped me a lot in this! At first I thought I was going to be cheated but I wasn't really disappointed. That's why it's awesome!

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