What is the invisible child?

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asked Dec 16, 2021 in Family by whatsiteverwas (1,030 points)
What is the invisible child?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 16, 2021 by Chambliss (51,900 points)
The Invisible Child is a child who does not initially stand out for any reason and the Invisible child is also not extremely athletic, very outgoing or overly popular.

And an invisible child invariably follows all of the rules and is compliant, well-behaved, and rarely does anything to call attention to himself or herself.

Some parents treat all their children the same way while some parents treat the oldest and youngest differently.

Some parents let the youngest get away with more than the oldest and then some parents let the oldest get away with more than the youngest.

Some parents do have a favorite child even if they don't admit to it.

Sometimes the parents favorite child may be the first born or it may be the youngest child.

Some younger siblings do get away with everything or at least nearly everything while the older sibling may get into trouble for smaller things.

However for some younger siblings they may get punished for less severe things than their older sibling and then some parents are strict the same way with both older and younger siblings.

So not all younger siblings get away with everything depending on the parents.

Parents are more strict with older siblings as they want the older sibling to be a good example for the younger sibling.

Also the younger sibling is seen as the baby of the family so the younger child or younger sibling can get away with more than the older sibling.

Still the parents should be strict the same way for both the younger and older siblings.

Some parents are strict with both the younger and older siblings while some parents are stricter with the older siblings and less strict with the younger siblings.

Parents have an incentive to be more strict with older kids.

As a result, the theory predicts that last-born and only children, knowing that they can get away with much more than their older brothers and sisters, are, on average, more likely to engage in risky behaviors.”

According to a study parents have an incentive to punish their first-born child if that child engages in risky behaviors in order to deter such behavior by younger siblings.

However, this deterrence motive for parents is predicted to wane as their younger children reach adolescence.

The more the personalities of siblings differ, the more their parents treat them differently.

Parents interact with and discipline their children based on changes in developmental capabilities as they grow.

Age and personality explain some of the differences in the parental treatment that children perceive.

Youngest siblings are often able to get away with more than their eldest siblings.

They are also the most fun and always trying to gain the attention of their parents and family members.

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