To deal with a disrespectful sibling show respect to your sibling yourself as respect works both ways.
If that is not working then also command respect.
Command instead of demanding respect.
Be nice, caring and protecting.
Take care of the siblings requirements.
Shower love and affection.
Give and do not expect anything in return.
Win their heart and you shall see them changing slowly.
The joy of seeing them becoming a different person shall be simply superb.
To tell if your sister is jealous of you, look for signs of jealously from your sister.
Signs that your sister is jealous of you include.
They're Never Impressed.
They Try and "One Up" You.
They Get Angry When You Give Them Advice.
Seeing Them Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself.
They Are Extra Critical.
Keep Your Mouth Shut.
Stop Feeling Guilty.
Limit Interaction.
Humans tend to put emotional or physical distance between themselves and the people who cause bad feelings.
If your sister is jealous, she might withdraw or shut down when you are around.
She might refuse to make plans with you, avoid serious conversations or even walk out of a room when you walk in.
To deal with a jealous sibling.
Try not to infuriate your sibling more. If you start explaining things and you see that it's making them very upset, stop or else they might not listen to you anymore.
Do not blame, judge, or conclude that you're right and the sibling is not.
Stay calm, quiet and in control. Pay attention to what your kids are doing so you can intervene before a situation begins or escalates. ...
Create a cooperative environment.
Celebrate individuality.
Plan fun family time.
Treat kids fairly — not equally.
Jealously and lack of social skills are the most common cause of sibling conflict.
The most common cause of sibling conflict is Jealously and Bitterness as well as lack of social skills.
The main causes of sibling rivalry are lack of social skills, concerns with fairness, individual temperaments, special needs, parenting style, parent's conflict resolution skills and culture.
But it's also common for siblings to be great friends on one day and hateful to one another on the next day.
Other common causes of sibling conflicts include.
Poor communication and conflict resolution skills during childhood.
Parents pitting their children against each other and comparing them to each other.
Unhealthy competition between siblings.
Sibling Rivalries are very common and a pretty normal part of growing up around other siblings.
Sibling rivalry has been identified as more common among children who are the same gender and close together in age.
Rates of sibling rivalry are lower in families where children feel they are treated equally by their parents and where their place in the family is respected and valued.
Statistically, sibling rivalry is indeed quite normal. It goes on in many or even most families with two or more children.
It is the rare family in which the children are always nice to each other.
All they need to do is read the stories of all the early families in the Bible to have their impression validated.
It is normal for siblings to physically fight and sometimes siblings may fight and say they hate each other when in fact they actually still love each other.
However if the fighting between the siblings continues or gets worse then something needs done to stop it.
Sibling rivalry is a normal, and mostly harmless, part of growing up.
Siblings often compete without anyone getting hurt.
Sibling violence or abuse can be described as a repeated pattern of physical aggression with the intent to inflict harm and motivated by a need for power and control.
The age at which most siblings fight the most is between the ages of 10 to 15 years old.
Although the fighting between siblings can start earlier than that and some siblings fight around age 4 to 8 years old and continue to fight.
As children get older, the way they interact is likely to change.
While younger children tend to fight physically, older children are more likely to have verbal arguments.
Competitiveness between siblings typically peaks between ages 10 and 15.
However, sometimes sibling rivalry can continue on into adulthood.
A toxic sibling is a sibling that is highly judgemental and overly critical of you.
When you have a toxic sibling you may often feel as though you can't do anything right because your sibling will 'nitpick' and find 'flaws' in you.
Toxic sibling relationships can result if parents are unavailable, depressed, aggressive, narcissistic, or controlling. In the Golden Child and the Black Sheep Dynamic, one child is favored over the others.
The Black Sheep is the scapegoat of the family.
Tips to deal with a toxic sibling include.
Set limits and boundaries.
Figure out the workarounds.
Don't fight too hard for it.
Establish an emotional boundary.
Acknowledge your truth.
Label the behaviors (or your feelings), not the person.
Communicate openly if it feels safe.
Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries.
If your toxic family continues to disrespect you, to ignore your boundaries, and to gaslight you, you have every right to cut ties.
You do, in fact, have the right to do this at any time, but many people wait until they realize the full impact of staying in these relationships.