How do homeless people survive outside in below freezing temperatures?

+1 vote
asked Dec 31, 2017 in Weather by pooks19 (430 points)
How do homeless people survive outside in below freezing temperatures?

It's already 1 F here right now and it's gonna get to -5 F through the night. I wonder how do homeless people manage the below freezing temperatures when living and sleeping outside?

I'm glad I have a home to stay warm in and a bed. I couldn't imagine having to stay outside in those below freezing temps all day and night.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2018 by Dex R (4,600 points)
When it gets cold most communities will open up shelters in places such as churches where homeless people can come in and stay warm if they want too.

Some homeless people avoid homeless shelters though and will do there best to stay warm by drinking warm drinks, bundling up in blankets, and sleeping bags and some huddle together with other homeless people or stay near buildings that have vents that put out warm air.

Sadly some don't live through the freezing weather.

I'm thankful to have a home with a central heating system where I don't have to worry about being frozen.

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