Has Dial soap changed?

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asked Dec 13, 2021 in Body/Skin by Bendilinksmachine (1,050 points)
Has Dial soap changed?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 13, 2021 by Varticusfarticus (3,530 points)
Dial Soap has changed slightly although not by much and it's still a great soap.

The formula in Dial Soap has changed but it really hasn't changed the cleaning power of the Dial Soap.

Dial Body Wash is antibacterial and kills bacteria.

Dial Deodorizing Body Wash Gold, helps to decrease bacteria on your skin.

Made with moisturizers, the Deodorizing Antibacterial Body Wash offers extended odor protection.

It provides you with an antibacterial deep clean.

Kills germs Keeps you smelling fresh long after you wash.

Dial Soap is considered to be a mild soap.

White Dial bar soap is a mild and gentle white soap that is comprised of naturally derived ingredients.

This cleansing bath soap will not wash away the vital moisture your skin needs.

Dial Soap is antibacterial.

All Dial Soap is antibacterial.

Soaps that are formulated to contain an approved antibacterial ingredient can be marketed as an antibacterial hand soap.

DialĀ® antibacterial hand soaps are formulated with the bacteria killing ingredient called Benzalkonium chloride.

They are chemically known as Quaternary Ammonium Chlorides (Quats).

Dial Soap is a good soap and gets your skin really clean and also kills germs and bacteria on your skin at the same time too.

Although Dial Soap and other soaps can also be bad as they contain some bad ingredients.

Some bar and liquid soaps labeled antibacterial contain triclosan, an ingredient of concern to many environmental, academic and regulatory groups.

Animal studies have shown that triclosan alters the way some hormones work in the body and raises potential concerns for the effects of use in humans.

Dial is an American brand of soap and body wash manufactured by Henkel, the American subsidiary of Henkel AG & Co. KGaA.

It was the world's first antibacterial soap.

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