When can babies have cookies?

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asked Dec 8, 2021 in Baby/Newborn by 1982tiperman (5,590 points)
When can babies have cookies?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 8, 2021 by Minty (135,750 points)
Some babies are ready to begin eating cookies around 4 months of age while others may not be ready for cookies until 6 to 7 months of age.

Once a baby has teeth and can chew on cookies then they can have cookies.

In the beginning it's best to start the baby off eating soft cookies and then as the baby gets more teeth you can move up to giving the baby some harder cookies.

Babies can have mashed potatoes when they are at least 6 months of age and are eating solid foods.

Once the baby is around 6 to 7 months of age and the baby is on solid foods the baby can then have mashed potatoes.

Just make sure the mashed potatoes have no chunks as that could choke the baby.

Babies can eat mashed potatoes as early as 6 months of age.

As long as the baby is already eating solid foods you can then feed the mashed potatoes to the baby and they usually love mashed potatoes.

Most babies are ready to eat solid foods by age 6 months of age.

Yes a six month old baby can eat mashed potatoes.

As long as the baby is on other solid foods the baby can eat the mashed potatoes safely.

Just make sure they are not chunky mashed potatoes and make sure the potatoes are completely mashed up to avoid the baby choking.

When my kids were eating solids and I introduced mashed potatoes to them I made them a bit thinner in consistency than I normally did.

This way the baby could easily get the mashed potatoes down without the possibility of choking.

I have myself choked on mashed potatoes that were too thick.

So I thinned the mashed potatoes down for the baby until they got over a year old.

Mashed potatoes are considered solid foods and babies at 6 months of age and above can be served and fed mashed potatoes.

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