Potatoes can help acne.
You can slice up a potato and apply the potato to your acne and within about 10 minutes it can help soothe the acne.
You can also rub sliced potatoes over the acne to help soothe and get rid of the acne on your face or other skin.
Eating the potatoes also helps acne as well.
Using potatoes on your skin can reduce blemishes and leave your skin soft and glowing.
Also, potato can be used as a bleaching agent.
You can massage your face with a slice of raw potato as it helps in lightening the color of your skin.
You can also make a pack of raw potato paste and apply on your face to reduce swelling.
White Potatoes and other potatoes are not bad for cholesterol as the potatoes do not contain cholesterol and the can be very heart healthy.
One medium-sized white potato has about 110 calories, 26 grams of carbohydrate, 3 grams of both fiber and 3 grams of protein, and is also free of fat and cholesterol.
Potatoes are good for your heart health and cardiovascular health as long as they are not fried potatoes.
Raw potatoes, baked potatoes, boiled potatoes etc are good for your heart and good for your health.
Potatoes are high in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure.
They are also loaded with fiber, which has been shown to help lower the risk of heart disease.
Potatoes are also good for ulcers as well.
Raw Potatoes can heal ulcers and prevent ulcers.
Potatoes contain unique antibacterial molecules that can treat stomach ulcers as it was discovered that a key molecule in potato can both cure and prevent the bacteria that lives in the stomach and causes stomach ulcers and heartburn.
Raw Potatoes are edible and you can safely eat raw potatoes.
In fact raw potatoes are actually healthier for you than cooked potatoes.
It's safe and OK to eat raw potatoes just like it's safe and OK to eat other raw vegetables.
Raw potatoes are much healthier for you than cooked potatoes are because when potatoes are raw they contain more vitamins, nutrients and minerals than cooked potatoes.
All vegetables including potatoes are best eaten raw when you want to get the health benefits.
Although raw potatoes can be harder to chew and digest than cooked potatoes for some people so they may need to be cooked.
But you certainly can cut up a raw potato or bite into a raw potato and eat the raw potato without cooking it.
It's best to wash the potato off before eating it though because it could contain pesticides if they were store bought.
But other than that raw potatoes are perfectly fine to eat.