Is it OK to put baby powder on your vag?

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asked Dec 5, 2021 in Womans Health by Tucylucy (940 points)
Is it OK to put baby powder on your vag?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 5, 2021 by Minmocatfood (6,180 points)
It is OK to put baby powder on your Vag but avoid getting the baby powder inside your Vag.

If the baby powder does get into the Vagina then it could lead to Ovarian Cancer.

So it's best to avoid using the baby powder down there if you're a woman but if you keep it to the sides of your Vagina and not allow it to get into the Vagina and use a small amount sparingly then it can be okay.

Research has long indicated that talcum powder usage can cause inflammation and increase the risks of ovarian cancer in women.

When used by women as a part of their hygiene routine, talcum powder particles can travel through the vagina into the uterus and fallopian tubes, ending up in the ovaries.

Avoid putting baby powder directly on the genitals.

Instead, gently pat a light layer on the skin around the genitals and on the legs.

Avoid getting baby powder in your baby's eyes. Keep baby powder away from your face and your child's face.

Can baby powder cause bacterial vaginosis?

Douching, bubble bath, feminine hygiene sprays, perfumed or colored toilet paper, deodorant tampons and bath powder (including baby powder) can increase your chances of getting a vaginal infection.

Some woman have gotten Ovarian Cancer as a result of using Baby Powder on their Vagina so you have to be careful when using it.

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