What is foot pain a sign of?

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asked Dec 5, 2021 in Pain by Tucylucy (940 points)
What is foot pain a sign of?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2021 by Kaptainkanda (12,640 points)
Foot pain can be a sign of overuse, standing on your feet too long, pinched nerves in the foot or pinched nerves leading to the foot, diabetes, Lupus and other diseases and conditions.

The most common disease that can make your feet hurt is Lupus although several other conditions and diseases can also make your feet hurt including diabetes.

Diseases and conditions that can cause foot pain include arthritis, Lupus, diabetes and much more.

The most common systemic diseases in the foot include gout, diabetes mellitus, arthritis and neurological disorders such as diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease.

The autoimmune disease that causes foot pain is Lupus.

Lupus is one of the most common autoimmune diseases along with rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes. Raynaud's disease and Graves' disease are other autoimmune disorders known to cause foot pain.

An overactive immune system can cause pain in the feet, toes and ankles.

Foot Pain in the morning is usually a sign of Plantar fasciitis.

However you might have also pinched a nerve leading to the foot during the night as well.

Foot Pain that occurs in the morning is usually caused by a condition known as "Plantar fasciitis" which is a condition where the plantar fascia, a thick ligament on the bottom of your foot, is irritated.

Signs and symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis include stiffness or pain in the heels or feet.

The symptoms of the Plantar Fasciitis might be worse in the morning because of poor blood supply to the heel and foot area when you're at rest.

The fastest ways to relieve foot pain is to soak the feet in a warm container of water, or apply an ice pack to the feet that are hurting.

You can also relieve foot pain by massaging the foot that is hurting or use a foot massage device that you place your feet on and it vibrates to massage your feet.

You can also prevent foot pain by using arch supports or Gel Inserts in your shoes to make your shoes more comfortable to wear.

Feet can hurt when you walk due to Plantar Fasciitis, uncomfortable shoes, poorly fitting shoes, sprains or even strains of your foot.

Prolong walking or running, Jogging etc can all lead to foot pain which is normal.

Most cases of foot pain are nothing serious or caused by any health issue or disease.

If the foot pain is caused by injury, overuse of the foot, standing on the foot too long or wearing tight fitting shoes then the foot pain should go away within a few hours to a day or two.

if the foot pain lasts longer than a day or gets worse or you have any swelling of the foot then you should see a doctor or go to urgent care.

The most common cause of your bottom of your feet hurting so bad is a condition known as "Plantar fasciitis" which is an inflammation of the fibrous tissue (plantar fascia) along the bottom of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes.

The condition Plantar fasciitis can cause intense heel pain but usually goes away on it's own within a day or so but if not you should see a doctor.

Or the foot pain on the bottom of your foot can also be caused by wearing tight fitting shoes, standing on your feet too long etc.

Most foot pain is not serious and is caused by injury or just standing on your foot too long or use of your foot too long as well.

Some causes of foot pain without injury to your foot are, long walks, running a marathon or just running too much, standing on your feet too long, putting too much weight on you feet, jogging too much, poor fitting shoes such as shoes that are too small.

Diabetes can also cause nerve pain in your feet as well.

Some people are diabetic and do not know about it for awhile and you can be diabetic at any age so if you have foot pain that persists have your doctor check you for diabetes.

Sprains, broken foot, broken bones etc are all causes of foot pain as well.

If the foot pain is caused by an injury or you have just stood on your feet too long or ran too much then the foot pain should go away on it's own within a day or so.

But if not you should see a doctor.

Most cases of foot pain are nothing serious and usually go away on their own without any medical treatment.

Foot pain can be caused by a variety of different things such as standing on your feet too long, running too long, walking too far, hiking or stepping on something that causes the foot pain.

However foot pain can also be caused by diabetes especially if the foot pain persists longer than a few days, comes back too often or gets worse.

If during the foot pain you experience any swelling, severe pain or have open wounds that are not healing then see a doctor.

If your foot becomes infected you need to see a doctor about the foot pain.

Some signs that your foot has become infected are redness, warmth and tenderness in the affected area or you have a fever over 100 F.

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