Why was the piano created?

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asked Dec 2, 2021 in Music by ooo1mate (1,030 points)
Why was the piano created?
commented Aug 26, 2022 by JimBerry (140 points)
Could you tell me where you can buy a piano in order to start learning to play it? Many stores simply don't sell pianos!

4 Answers

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answered Dec 2, 2021 by Minty (140,940 points)
The piano was actually created for 3 reasons.

The first reason the piano was created was to provide a keyboard that could play both soft and loud.

Second reason the piano was created was to provide a keyboard that could sustain notes.

Third, to provide a keyboard instrument that could do all of this with just one set of keys.

Pianos originated in Italy.

The piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731) of Italy.

The piano was invented around year of 1700 by a man named Bartolomeo Cristofori.

Cristofori was unsatisfied by the lack of control that musicians had over the volume level of the harpsichord.

He is credited for switching out the plucking mechanism with a hammer to create the modern piano in around the year 1700.

The first piano had 54 keys.

The piano that Bartolomeo Cristofori first invented in Italy had 54 keys while today's pianos have 88 keys.

The Piano was invented by a man named Bartolomeo Cristofori.

Bartolomeo Cristofori is the man who invented the Piano in the year of 1700.

The piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori (1655-1731) of Italy.

Cristofori was unsatisfied by the lack of control that musicians had over the volume level of the harpsichord.

He is credited for switching out the plucking mechanism with a hammer to create the modern piano in around the year 1700.

How old is the oldest piano?

Sitting in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York is the world's oldest piano.

Dating from 1720, the piano was one of the earliest creations by Bartolomeo Cristofori, the inventor of the piano.

The piano was created for 3 reasons: First, to provide a keyboard that could play both soft and loud.

Second, to provide a keyboard that could sustain notes.

Third, to provide a keyboard instrument that could do all of this with just one set of keys.

Pianos have 88 keys because composers wanted to expand the range of their music.

Adding more piano keys removed the limits on what kind of music could be performed on the instrument.

88 keys have been the standard since Steinway built theirs in the 1880s.

So why does piano have black and white keys?

The white keys represent the musical tones and the black keys represent the half step intervals between those musical tones.

The colored keys help pianists decipher between the natural pitches and semitone pitches.

That's where the black keys come into play.
0 votes
answered Feb 14, 2022 by Ulrich Kippenberger (2,300 points)

I wouldn't question why the Creator made the piano or why he made you. Most likely if something or someone was created, that was done for a reason. I know that electrical piano was created for making fantastic electronic music tracks that I download from mp3juice.link for beta-testing before I purchase them. So isn't this what music is for? Enjoyment?

0 votes
answered Mar 23, 2023 by William009 (1,500 points)
I have a passion for classical music, especially piano pieces, and I'm also skilled at playing the piano. However, I'm currently on the lookout for a good quality piano to buy for myself. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or advice on where I could find a great one. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
0 votes
answered Mar 23, 2023 by AuroraGa (1,500 points)
edited Mar 27, 2023 by AuroraGa

Thank you for the information!.

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