Does anyone uses Huggies Little Movers

+1 vote
asked Dec 1, 2021 in Toddler/Preschooler by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Do you use Huggies Little Movers on your kid or yourself (If you are skinny enough)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2021 by Mildrend90 (660 points)
I used Huggies Little Movers diapers on my now almost 11 year old when he was 3 years old and they held up really good to his active lifestyle of moving around a lot like little boys do.

The Huggies Little Movers stayed put on his bottom and waist and never sagged or fell down even when they were wet and they held up really good to his heavy wetting.

He would pee a lot all at once when he turned 3 and they always held without leaking.

I also now use Huggies Little Movers on his 2 year old brother and his 5 year old brother also wears the Huggies Little Movers diapers for bed wetting.

They've worked great on all my kids and I would highly recommend the Huggies Little Movers diapers to anyone looking for a great diaper.

They might be a little more pricier than some other diapers but they are well worth the money.

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