Did you wear a diaper to church as a kid

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asked Nov 30, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Did you go to church in a diaper after you were potty trained?

2 Answers

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answered Nov 30, 2021 by diaperpapillonfigweb (3,700 points)
I wore a diaper to church as a kid since I was diaper punished.

I also would get my diaper changed in the church nursery when needed.

I've pooped and peed my diaper in church and even one time when I was 8 years old I remember being in a church play and I pooped my pampers diaper.

My mom changed my diaper after the play was over.
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answered Dec 1, 2021 by diaperwet (670 points)
I also wore diapers to church as a kid.

I was diaper punished as a kid and was made to use and wear diapers all the time and the diapers I wore were just like the diapers Tommy Diaper Boy wore.

They felt great and I loved wearing them.

I was diaper punished as kid before.

I'm almost 34 years old now and I remember being put back in Pampers Diapers as 6 year old for wetting my pants in school.

Since I could not hold my pee and peed my pants my mom and dad both made me wear Pampers Diapers all the time.

The diapers were the plastic backed thick Pampers like diaper boy Tommy is wearing too.

I also first hated being put back in diapers and made to wear them all the time.

But after awhile I began to like it but never told my parents I loved them.

To me it was really not a punishment after the first year of being in Pampers as I soon loved being in Pampers.

I was also treated as a toddler and the toilet was off limits to me too.

I wish they made the diapers for toddlers and babies plastic backed and thick like they used too with the tapes.

I love hearing the tapes and the crinkle of those thick plastic backed diapers which makes me feel more like a baby or toddler.
commented Dec 30, 2021 by Ts2021 (1,500 points)
Yes, (on a regular basis) until age four or five (at least). I was still not able to use public restrooms (or any unfamiliar toilets) until I was almost six years old.

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