Would allow your kid to wear pullups or just diaper

+3 votes
asked Nov 29, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Would you allow your kid to wear pullups or just diapers? This is for my Abdl's

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2021 by diapermouse1 (8,370 points)
I would allow them to wear both pull ups or diapers.

However I'm sure they would prefer to wear actual diapers instead of Pull Ups.

But if they decide to wear pull ups some days then they can do so.

But it would be diapers most times.
0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2021 by Pamperslover (25,840 points)
I would allow my kids to wear diapers.

They would not be potty trained and would go poop and pee in their diapers so they would need a good absorbent diaper.

Diapers are much better than pull ups.

They would never be out of diapers from birth until they turn at least 18 and move out.

They may want to wear diapers then as well but if not that is okay.

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