Have you notice a kid in your family masturbating in a diaper

0 votes
asked Nov 27, 2021 in AB/DL by mwalker1996 (9,270 points)
Have you noticed a kid in your family getting an erection in a diaper?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 27, 2021 by didyoufart (870 points)
My 8 year old son wears Pampers Baby Dry size 6 for bed wetting and I've caught him masturbating in the diaper in the morning when he wakes up wet.

I told him it's okay to do it and not be embarrassed.

His 2 year old brother also sometimes masturbates in his wet diaper.

I've also seen my 8 year old nephew who has autism masturbating in his wet Pampers Diapers when I was at his house before.

He seems to do it a lot.
+1 vote
answered Jan 19, 2022 by jsnayfjdnsuso (540 points)

Yes I caught my 8 year old nephew rubbing his poopy diaper on a bed post.

+1 vote
answered Jan 19, 2022 by Diaperboy1988 (4,550 points)
My 2 year old nephew was humping things in his diaper a few days ago when he was over at my house with his mom.

He was getting up on the armrest of the recliner and was humping back and forth and I could tell what he was doing as I love doing the same thing.

I also one time when I was 8 was caught in my bedroom wearing a thick pampers plastic backed diaper that was wet and I was humping my teddy bear.

My dad walked in and caught me wearing just the diaper and humping things.

He was so mad about it and said that I should take the diaper off and to never do that again.

He thought I had taken my 3 year old brothers diapers but in fact I had actually bought those Pampers diapers myself.

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